black future

It is neither the slap stick genre nor those of without value, but good movies-despite claimed as hyped or spun by some- at times is more transparent than what we read or see in the mass media.
I’ve come across many movies, and songs too, that have made me doubt the world we live in. We are more bothered about how much money to make and what to obtain the trendiest gismo around while there have been communities who have been suffering in an uncivilised way for generations.
And the issues raised in such movies are often the simplest things around us- diamonds, oil, drugs and arms.
These are the very few things which causes up rise and civil wars, namely in Africa, Middle East and the South Americas. Africa is a continent which is ridden with civil wars, wars amongst their own kinds, major illness and child soldiers. Middle Eastern countries are torn into pieces due to the rich oil that runs beneath the deserts while our Latino children harvest marijuana to be marketed in the streets around the world.
Despite centuries into civilisation, having gone through the history books again and again, it seems nothing will stop these vices. Just like prostitution, just like piracy.
So when the Malaysian papers come out truths about the rampant prostitution and piracy, many take it for granted thinking it will not affect them in any way. It can and it will affect us all.
So when the next time one watches a good movie, think what is the message that lies beyond just the pretty faces and the action pack story lines. Every word, every movement, every cinematography explains the dying state of our current civilisation.
Technology is so advanced, yet is baffling the drugs industry can’t seem to find a solution for cancer or Aids while the usage of electric cars is still alien. What about hydro energy or even respecting arms sanction? There’s a lot of money at stake and one would be a ‘fool’ to despise it.
Thus it’s ok to buy expensive diamond rings- knowing that African children are made to suffer in to find the stones.
Ok to waste fuel despite knowing countries use ‘terrorism’ and ‘democracy’ as an excuse to tap oil in foreign lands, robbing locals of opportunities and leave them sleeping on the streets.
It’s ok to watch war over the telly- knowing its all for the better mend of the affected community despite knowing arms supplying countries have already made millions if not billions by supplying weapons.
It’s ok to buy pirated stuff-knowing the money would be financing a mob that kidnaps and use children as labour. It’s ok to satisfy oneself- despite knowing prostitutes are forced to sell their bodies to feed their families in god forsaken regions.
It’s ok when we choose to ignore.
-The Man Who Sold The World-
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