a woof woof issue

DAY by day I am beginning to realise PAS seems to have more common sense then the current ruling party (BN).
While I still do not agree with their objective of creating an fully Islamic state (which will lead to no cinema’s, bistros or other form of entertainment joints), but it looks Abdullah Badawi’s Islam Hadari seems to be no better then what PAS has been striving for thus far. Among others is naming the country and Islamic county.
Fact: It is only stated in our constitution that Islam is the primary religion of the country. Period.
Nevertheless, PAS took me by surprise with their open minded-ness in the killings of dogs in Seremban. Its commissioner Dr Rosli Yaakop was spot on to generate the true identity of Islam- that it doesn’t condone unlawful killing to any form of Allah’s creation, including dogs. It was reported 13 dogs were shot by the Seremban Municipal Council. In Seremban, owners are allowed to keep a maximum of two dogs per house.
However, I still curse PAS for killing of the beautiful Malay culture especially in the arts scene (eg. wayang kulit). Irony, Islam doesn’t believe in bomohs but yet the Malays seem to resolve their problems; from love issues to striking lottery by frequenting a bomoh. Haram and halal at their own whims and fancies….Sigh!
Try conversing with several Muslims around you and I bet 9 out 10 of them don’t know what is the main issue surrounding dogs, pigs and lizards (all claimed to be ‘haram’ animals). Most will give you different answers but all conclude the same- they have been drilled to despise such animals. In fact some have been honest to confess their respective religions teachers have drilled ‘myths’, belittling other religions as well. Very Un-Islamic I must say.
Checks online brought me closer to the truth. Dogs, like any other of God’s creation ought not to be despised by any sane Islam man or woman; as mentioned in http://www.islamicconcern.com/dogs.asp and http://www.submission.org/pets/dogs2.html. Heck, even the leader of Islamic country Pakistan, General Perez Musharaff keeps two dogs while it is a norm of Muslims to keep dogs in every other part of the world. Also, if you can’t keep them, it does not give you the right to mistreat them.
Every religion, including Islam is pure. It is men who screw it all up with their own interpretations, thus giving society a narrow definition of the whole concept. Maybe they ought to follow the teachings in proper order, and soon realise people will accept them even better then before.
Note: The author mantains his fullest respect towards all religions practiced by society.
-The Man Who Sold The World-
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