shut up!

IS a person considered ‘bad’ despite telling the truth?
Leave aside the current Dr M and Pak Lah tussle and lets look into our daily lives, how such instances effect us and how we as ‘the average joes’ deal with it.
Everyone of us have been in a situation where the other party has no idea of what the topic is all about, yet thrive to make a mark of authority. When questioned, the other party brushes off, either politely or harshly.
Personally, fire + fire = more fire, so at times the phrase silence is golden is best said. Nevertheless, how long can a person keep mum over something which is so wrong or silly as a matter of fact.
Even, we as ‘average joes’ find it tough handling friends and families. Now proportionate the magnitude to running a country and it gets even uglier.
Point to ponder, should a person who speaks the truth be seen as the ‘bad’ man? It today’s society it seems to be so, as people hate to be corrected and even better, people hate to be told they are plain dumb despite the fact they are dumb.
Now this leaves a mind boggling question; should people be corrected and make enemies, or leave things as it is only to see the destruction of another? Not so obvious an answer as many of us prefer the latter approach no thanks to our ‘licking the butt’ mentality.
Can I be blamed for telling someone off knowing for the fact the other person is all full of crap? It seems so but I prefer doing so then to live like a hypocrite. On the take of the former versus current premier, it’s for you to decide.
Too much has been said about it and every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to have an answer towards the issue. These are the same people who can’t even raise a proper family, teach their children some manners and love their wives as how they once promised. Hypocrisy at its best.
The only solution to all this- if people knew their substance a little better, and paid more interest towards the subject matter then less argumentative conversations would take place. But then again, that’s now how most people are brought up to be. Silence is golden….and speak when there is substance. Otherwise, shut up and learn!
-The Man Who Sold The World-
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