Mad Rem-farts!

A public nuisance!
And I wonder what Putera Umno might achieve in purifying their already tarnished reputation.
Illegal racers on puny machines, better known as Mat Rempits, are terrorising the streets of KL and other parts of the country. It may look petty to most of us, but those who travel around in the wee hours of the morning will know how dangerous these groups of thugs wannabes.
The ‘Bulatan Pahang’ and Dataran Merdeka in KL are several top spots for this notorious motorcyclist to display their pathetic circus like antics on the roads. However, note the large fan base who normally line up the sides of the streets, waiting for cheap amateurish entertainment to liven up their otherwise pathetic weekend nights.
Newspaper reports and primetime news have given this menace much publicity. The police do conduct regular checks at various parts in the country. Yet this problem is not ending as more and more youths, some as young as 15, are hoping on their small cc bikes and ramming their way dangerously around town.
A road user Sam (not real name), who once accidentally knocked down a Mat Rempit in action, will never forget the day he was rounded up by about 10 bikers.
“It was scary. My first thought would be what if they memorised my car number and later spring an attack. Even worse, it wouldn’t be me but another family member of mine could be driving and fall victim to these bullies,” said Sam.
Sam is not alone, as even media personnel have fallen prey to the stone throwing and thuggish like acts of this scrawny bunch of riders when covering news reports.
Putera Umno’s actions are a joke. Why not en-rope drunk drivers and maniac speedsters in the cleansing programme? Would you think a couple of sweeping the floor and cleaning the fan acts will help change this people from making the streets of KL into racing circuit?
These Rempits claim they do this as an act to de-stress and the reason they are on the streets is because of the lack of racing facilities.
Such claims of theirs are utter rubbish. What de-stressing do they need when a large bulk of them are merely clerks and office workers, with only less then 1% being so-called professionals or graduates.
Also, despite having a world class circuit in the heart of town will not stop them from menacing the streets as tracks will only cater to a certain number of riders at a certain time, thus leaving the other riders to roam the streets. The thrill of cutting into cars and showing off their ‘skills’ to other road users is something a circuit cannot offer as well.
The solution can only be one. The police ought to be stricter and mete out tougher punishments on these offenders.
Do not let the streets of KL be terrorised by a bunch of ‘pariahs’ on puny machines. Strike them off the roads and teach them to be better riders.
-The Man Who Sold The World-
NTV7 conducted a poll which saw 95% of its viewers agreeing the licences of Mat Rempits ought to be revoked. Even the Royal Malaysian Police are planning to get even tougher, by confesticating the bikes as well in a bid to slow this group of uncivilised youths. Maybe it's high time for Putera Umno to realise their efforts are going down the drain and join the majority in combating the problem. But then again, they are only interested in getting members and once a member, they couldn't be bothered...typical politics. Sigh!
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