the naked truth- sex did kill

A long meeting followed by several explainations which kept most of the Malay Mail staff at ease- at least for now.
Except for the immatured magistrate turned magazine cum newspaper editor wannabe M Zul and his good ol' mate 'Sick' Simon Burgess being suspended, the other staff will carry on doing what they do best without fear.
Burgess is said to have left Malay Mail. Very typical for a Mat Salleh to pull such a cheap stunt only to dissapoint the hands that feed 'it'.
Yes, as announced the Weekend Mail has been suspended till further notice. As for the content for the Malay Mail, it will still be the same despite being headed by both of its current deputy editors for now.
Traditionalists still believe the Paper That Cares can thrive to be at it's best, ie by making it into a lunch time paper (hits the news stands by 12.30pm) and capatilise on the crime, local council and sports stories.
However, all this will only fall on deaf ears as the powers to be still mantain the magazine type approach, which surprisingly doesn't get the support of many writers.
Fortunately (or unfortunate to some), there will be no more 'juicy' stories or campus babes to look at from now on. All this no thanks to the uncreative minds of two lousy editors.
The Man Who Sold The World
Thank god that I no longer have to read about what positions these campus wannabes prefer or whehter they like lacy thongs or cotton panties.On the contrary it will be sad for people like you.
Some things are better left unchanged, Unfortunately this is not the case.
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