blogs a threat?

THIS letter which was handed out to editors of the mainstream media seems to be nothing more than a clear threat.
The jist of the letter seems to remind editors of the consequences in obtaining information from blogs.
The masses blog to voice their opinion, something which cannot be done over the mainstream media. Even sports journalist today are told what to write and what not to write, one can only imagine the horror faced by political writers.
Therefore people resort to viewing opinions online, whether true or not is up to the reader to conclude.
However, what is stated in paragraph three of the letter seems to ridicule the minds of Malaysians, suggesting readers should be spoon fed with opinions instead of concluding on their own.
And with a statement from Information Minister Zainuddin Maiddin, a former journo himself, saying that websites should not be quoted, also suggests the government is fearing the power of blogging.
Perhaps it will come a time where blogs will be banned, something which is practiced in Singapore. In fact with so many implementation in the current administration which seem to mirror the style of our Republic neighbours, it's time for us to start learning Majulah Singapura (Singapore national anthem).
-The Man Who Sold The World-
how does the song go again? majulah singapura...majulah singapura...etc etc?need to belajar la..
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