dying future generation?

Tracing back to its roots, the widespread of modern cell phones is thanks to the birth of hexagonal cells for mobile phone base stations created by Bell Labs in 1947.
It was further improvised in the 1960s while the first call on a handheld mobile phone by Motorola’s guru Martin Cooper on April 3, 1973.
Today, Swedish based Nokia dominates the rapidly growing cell phone industry with a 36% dominance in the first quarter of this year.
The numbers of hand phone users especially its boom in the mid-1990s has grown to extraordinary numbers. China is projected to have more than 400 million users by next year while even the world’s poorest continent Africa records the largest cellular subscriber growth rate worldwide.
What was once thought to be an item of luxury, at present time, kids as young as six are utilising such devices.
Nevertheless, while the majority are more concerned in upgrading their phones to keeping on track with the latest designs, very few speak of the side effects.
Just like the drugs and oil industries, research and theories with regards to the telecommunications in particular cell phones have been suppressed by manufacturers.
The World Health Organisation concluded that serious health effects by mobile technology or their base stations are very unlikely.
Nevertheless, there has been a list of side effects, mostly cancer, connected to the usage of mobile phones. Several studies have been done but nothing concrete has been raised as most studies conducted are less than 10 years of research.
Even more worrying, while the majority of users back in the 1990s were from the upper bracket income with an average age of 35 years old and above, the income bracket and age category has diminished as evident today with children as young as six utilise the mobile phone while the spectrum of users from businessmen to labourers own at least one cell phone.
Also, mobile technology is constantly upgrading, from the 0G when it first started to the 3G we have today. How much radiation is involved remains unclear till today.
It is a booming business which no one wants to rock, however the consequences could be detrimental. From poor hearings and eye sights due to the usage of such devices to a rot in the reproduction system (especially by men who place their phones in their pants).
Hopefully, we will find out the truth in the damage such necessity can do to a person. Till then, follow these simple steps;
1 Hands free device help to minimise radiation to the head. However, avoid using wireless headsets and use the traditional hands free kit.
2 Mobile phones should be placed away from your body as often as possible. Avoid placing them under pillows when sleeping.
3 Do not be overly dependant on your mobile phone.
-The Man Who Sold The World-