Creamcrackers turns ONE!!

LOL we almost forgot to blog on our first birthday!! But then again, guess it's never too late for us to give our birthday shout out to the readers of creamcrakers.
It's been a wonderful year filled with interesting issues and topics that we, the team of creamcrackers have had the chance to rant about.
We would like to thank the people who have stopped to share their views, those who provided us with interesting scoops and lastly to the folks who have inspired us to write on this little blog of ours.
Thank you and stay tune to creamcrackers.May the rantings, writings and opinions continue to flow in the coming year!
-the creamcraker crew-
wah lau..sudah satu tahun ka..manyak bagus wor. Gong Xi Gong Xi.
Persatuan Penarik Beca Malas
Nice blog.Happy turning ONE.
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