a tribute to the minority few

No, certainly not to all women, but just a small diminishing minority whom I have had the opportunity to bump into ever since I learnt the art of communicating with the fairer sex.
And for some circumstances, all I have is admiration towards this group of individuals.
We keep reminding ourselves we live in a modern society but yet most of the modern women seem confused over the roles they play. The majority claim to be ‘independent’ but instead rely heavily on their male partners for support- ranging from being a social driver to a walking ATM machine.
The majority get all hyped up over the romantically inclined movies they watch, thinking they too can live in a Cinderella like situation, getting hooked up with a rich good looking chap who could buy her the whole world. Now this is a typical statement or phrase we often hear, but I wonder why men just tolerate such behaviour.
Oh well, once a girl spreads her legs everything else is clouded eh.
Back to the majority of women. Not to sound sexiest, but it is quite obvious most of the average women these days are quite in a confused state. Some classic examples;
1 Most women like the fact of men opening doors allowing them to walk first. If a man fails to do so, he is deemed ‘un-gentleman’. Question is, do women ever open any doors (besides their personal doors) for men?
2 Most women claim they are independent; they do need to survive on their men. Question, then how come the lady greeds for half of the men’s property when she divorces him?
3 Most women expect the guy to pay for her meals and send her home afterwards (this includes LRT rides as well). Has it ever occurred to them that the guy could be cash strapped or the fact he'll be heading home all alone?
4 Most women try their level best to cut off their partner’s communication with other women or worst still other men as well. Friends of decades are dished aside over newly found lovers. So once you’re together you aren’t supposed to make any more friends?
5 Most women, whom are still unattached beyond the age of 26, tend to be more unrealistic. Thinking that most women actually mature early is a general misconception as this unattached group will start aiming for the skies without realising their capabilities. As any typical Malaysian would say, “No offence la, but look at yourself first before you start aiming for the 5, 6 or 7 C’s (ie car, condo, credit card…etc) la”
The list goes on actually.
However, I have known the minority few who actually believe in going Dutch when paying for a meal or when going to the movies; the minority few who believes in not troubling the guy by taking their own effort.
This minority few actually have opinions and stick to their principles, they tend to look life in a more realistic manner and believe in strong values despite their outlook.
Sadly, this minority few are akin to a needle in a hay stack.
It is interesting to note that such individuals normally have a dark past which tends to make them more realistic and stronger in facing the world. This minority actually go forward in life without the reliance of anyone else. Also, this minority saves the blushes of their otherwise confused majority fellow gender mates.
This is in no disrespect to the majority women, but just a friendly reminder that they need to eat the humble pie and learn how to appreciate another individual. No point claiming you're all good and understanding as actions speak louder than words.
To the minority few….I salute you!
-The Man Who Sold The World-
About A Girl..i salute you!
Thanks for the salute my dear mate. As for the article here I guess only the minority will appreciate what has been penned down here whereas the majority will go on to claim that the author is somewhat sexist or not a gentleman. For me I stand to my view that there is a time and place for everything and anything. I like a man opening the door for me once in a while, but at the same time I too take the effort to open the door for my man. Treat your man the way you expect to be treated and don't always think that men are feelingless or unworthy of any pampering moments. Women need to really open their eyes and mind before they open their mouth to pass comments on men.
betina semua tak boleh halap punya. sikit kasi muka, naik kipala wor..maciam mana mau kira..kwai lo cakap "no woman no cry" wor..
ok sekian telima kasih
You are a Sexist Pig Uncle Chan!!
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