Saturday, August 11, 2007

NAMEWEE NEGARA KUKU : a matter of interpretation

This man is what we should all be calling the new age Malaysian.

As I see it, this is a man is just expressing about the current ongoings in his country.

He throws sarcasam, he curses and swears.
Yet deep inside, he still loves his nation despite all the flaws here and there- just like how he ends in his last line by singing
" But my mouth still sings -Rahmat BahagiaTuhan kurniakan Raja kita Selamat bertakhta"

For the sake of the so call 'celebrating 50 years of nationhood' spirit, can the parties who are intending to revoke his citizenship accept the fact that what this cinaman sang was the truth but nothing but the truth?

Buka la minda anda sedikit..kita bukan hidup di zaman batu abang..kakak oi..I
ni zaman IT zaman pemodenan. Zaman REALITI dan bukan FANTASI!!

For those of you who've watched the youtube version of namewee negaraku, but are not well verse with mandarin here is the translation of the Wee Meng Chee's namawee negara kuku(ripped from the net) who I belive still calls Malaysia his home.


2007 Visit Malaysia Year Theme Song I Love My Country Negaraku

(Repeat) Check it out, yo, yo, yo.(Repeat) Negaraku,

Negarakuku.I love my country, only when you have a country you

Have a home Only with a home then there will be me, standing here

With you Loudly singing, don't be afraid Even though I curse all the time

My song, is just like the durian

Tough and spiky, only To see if you dare to open it, to look at the truth Inside It can be very stinky,

it can be very fragrant It only depends on what kind of nostrils you have.

Our police is called Mata

Because they have very shiny eyes

Once it's New Year, they will be very hard working

Holding pens but they will rarely write you a receipt

Because they are thirsty, they need to drink tea

Also kopi-O, want to add sugar?

If you add sugar, their mouths will sweetly smile at You

When you are leavingThey will even go "Tata"

"NegarakuTanah tumpahnya darahku

Rakyat hidup bersatu Dan maju.

This phenomenon, doesn't need any improvements

Neither does it need strengthening, the police and the People work together

A cup of coffee keeps our relationship temperate I so very suka

At least I won't go home and receive a saman (fine or Ticket)

My dad would sure be pissed

I would also kiong kan (swear word in Cantonese for "get raped"), with no car to drive

What to do, this time so very Kao lat (an expression, Something like aiyo)

With no car, how do I go out and play?

With no car, how do I wage "wild war"? (I don't know What it means but I assume it has something to do with A girl)

With no car, how do I go and watch ah kua? (transvestites)

This country, I like it very much.

5 in the morning

There's even a morning call to wake me up
This way we can know the time to get ready for class

And for work Don't blame, the government only takes cares of the Natives

Don't blame, we don't receive equal care

Only this way we can prove that we Chinese are not Afraid of hard work

Only this way we can train ourselves to find a Solution during hard times

Don't feel weird about their standards

Because this only shows that we are smart (or capable) Children who are not spoilt will not be dependentBecause you see some children are still not weaned off Breast-feeding.

Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja Kita Selamat bertakhta.

People who hide in government departments are even Better (even more capable)

They can do everything so slowly

Even when people are queuing, are cursing stinky lelai (what's that?)

They're chill and unfazed

Sometimes they even bring out their kuih

They eat their nyonya kuih

More people will continue queuing up

Even when you curse stinky lelai it doesn't matter

Because the guard at the side is sleeping

And he won't scold you one lah.

The most important thing is to live happily; the most Important thing is to live comfortably

Don't be like the Chinese Busy the whole day, very tough

We really cannot NOT admire this spirit

"Because this is their attitude in life.(Attitude, attitude)I've been saying good things in this song I believe those of you who are pissed at me will like

This now The world is peaceful, and full of hope

No one is hurt, there aren't any riots You're so classy, you're so elegant

Your s**t is fragrant, and you don't curse

You guys are the most high class, every day it's just

Romancing Listening to Guang Liang Pin Guan (this local Chinese Artiste)

But he already ran to Taiwan Private school students graduate

It's so very tough to get admitted into local Universities

Actually we don't have to get pissed about this issue

Actually this is the a very noble plan by the Government

They want us to explore the world, to find new

Opportunities for ourselves

To learn things and come back and repay the country

This plan is so great, I can't quibble about it

All over the world you can see Malaysia's children

They're like refugees, so very shiok (expression for orgasm or high)

2007, Malaysia's having Visit Malaysia Year The Chinese culture is brought out and paraded

The government doesn't even care about private school students

The certificate is thrown into the longkang (ditch), just like me Graduated and went to Taiwan Learned about things,

and got ready to come back to repay my country

I stood on the streets of Taipei with my guitar.

But my mouth still sings.

Rahmat BahagiaTuhan kurniakan Raja kita Selamat bertakhta.

p/s namawee..gua respect sama lu! tabek spring. lu punya lagu manya catchy!:)
-about a girl-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the issue was more about tarnishing the national anthem..but i guess more people are listening to it now than before

12:00 pm  

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