cream the ball

FOOTBALL. Every man’s dream game- well almost every man.
While the activity of watching 22 grown men kicking a ball all over the field may not amuse some quarters, our European, Asian, Southern American and African friends are often in frenzy when the game is played.
The World Cup will be ‘the’ conversation amongst us in coming weeks. While there have been weekly dosages of the English Premier League, the Italian Serie A and not forgetting the German Bundesliga, the zenith of football emotions is seen during the four year once international event.
While many get hyped up over the World Cup, from stationary companies, book stores and even clothing manufacturers jumping onto the bandwagon, many have failed to look into what football is all about. Unity. Governance. Totality.
Countries are given a berth in what is seen as the most intense sporting event. The viewer ship- an outstanding 28.8 billion viewers as seen in the previous South Korea-Japan 2002 edition.
If football were to be a religion, the figure above would be its followers. While the passion runs deep within the veins of the fans, sadly, the enthusiasm is not brought forward into daily life.
Football, or in fact any sport, would be the best mean to show war torn nations of what life is all about- a purpose to live-. Most countries are either enveloped in civil wars while the others are embroiled in political unrest.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair akin himself to a football manager. While his popularity may have taken a dip over the months, he nevertheless was on track by equating himself to a sporting head.
Ever wondered why Holland have performed miserably in previous World Cup outings despite having the services of good players within their stable? Arrogance of the selected few coupled with poor leadership have been their downfall. When a manager fails, he ships out. But when a government leader fails, he is given a second chance, third chance….and so the count begins.
If only people took the passion of football and equated into daily lives more seriously, there will be better understanding between one another, better governance and better lives led.
It is surprising many understand how an ‘off-side’ works but are ignorant of the everyday workings of the system we live in. It’s surprising how many can name footballers within a single breath, but yet pause for long awkward moments when asked about their local parliamentary members.
Thus, an equation towards local governance and football can be made. A good manager ensures a great team. A great leader ensures a developed nation. And now its time for the ‘fans’ to learn how to make their voices heard- in and out of the pitch.
And in the football spirit, a sporting reminder to our leaders; if you can’t cream the ball, please ship out!
-The Man Who Sold The World-
hm..a familiar pic i would say.klfa stadium by any chance?
would agree, but i guess a closer inspection would see its from a foriegn pitch.
sigh.then why put creamcrackers when you dun own the pic?
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