10 Ways to Get a Good Workout

In conjunction with the recent sporty weekend post, here are some workout tips for fitness enthusiasts. Article is the published work of the author. Enjoy!
WORKING out is naturally something which you either love or loathe. Ideally one really has to ‘think fit’ in order to get fit. A structured exercise plan is essential before one starts embarking on an exercise line-up.
Stay tune and let us provide you with simple tips for those problem areas that may require some attention. Also find out how you can turn simple workout ideas into fabulous training routines that will get you in shape in no time.
Being put off by the way your arms look like in the mirror? Instead of doing your conventional free-style shoulder press and triceps extension, try weight training. Weight training is crucial for defining arm muscles. While men prefer having muscular arms, women will not develop big muscles due to the lack of testosterone hormone. To get well toned arms try these workouts.
At the Gym
Triceps Extension
Stand straight and place arms above head and dumbbells at the back of the neck.
Raise dumbbells above head and hold for 6 seconds. Repeat 20 sets.
At Home
Shoulder Presses
Stand 2 ½ feet in front of a table the height of your hip with feet about 10 inches apart.
Drop body slowly towards the table until the chest part almost touches the table. Straighten arms completely, hold for 5 seconds and return to original position.
Don’t we all love to have a small waistline and a flat tummy. Exercising and toning muscle definition at the waist can provide a firmer and smaller looking appearance. It is essential to note that the abdominal muscles must be worked out every day in order make it flat and toned. Follow these simple steps for terrific looking abs.
At the Gym
Abdominal Machine
Adjust seat and align the middle of the torso with pivot point. Place elbows on movement pads while gripping handles slightly.
Push chest towards hips and slowly contract abs in a crunch motion. Return to start. Repeat 8 sets.
At Home
Fit ball Crunch
Lie on the fit ball to support back. Tuck chin in slightly.
Contract abdominals and slowly curl rib cage towards hips. Return to start position. Repeat 20 sets.
The gluteal or butt muscles must be trained in order to improve speed and increase stamina when jogging or walking. A well toned butt not only looks good but it also provides good support for the hips and can help improve posture. It is best to perform isolated butt exercises rather then multiple exercise for a perky looking butt.
At the Gym
Step Board
A step board is a great tool which can be used at the gym to workout the buttocks. By stepping on and off the board you are not only burning calories but you are also improving the appearance and size of your rear end.
At Home
Stay tune and let us provide you with simple tips for those problem areas that may require some attention. Also find out how you can turn simple workout ideas into fabulous training routines that will get you in shape in no time.
Being put off by the way your arms look like in the mirror? Instead of doing your conventional free-style shoulder press and triceps extension, try weight training. Weight training is crucial for defining arm muscles. While men prefer having muscular arms, women will not develop big muscles due to the lack of testosterone hormone. To get well toned arms try these workouts.
At the Gym
Triceps Extension
Stand straight and place arms above head and dumbbells at the back of the neck.
Raise dumbbells above head and hold for 6 seconds. Repeat 20 sets.
At Home
Shoulder Presses
Stand 2 ½ feet in front of a table the height of your hip with feet about 10 inches apart.
Drop body slowly towards the table until the chest part almost touches the table. Straighten arms completely, hold for 5 seconds and return to original position.
Don’t we all love to have a small waistline and a flat tummy. Exercising and toning muscle definition at the waist can provide a firmer and smaller looking appearance. It is essential to note that the abdominal muscles must be worked out every day in order make it flat and toned. Follow these simple steps for terrific looking abs.
At the Gym
Abdominal Machine
Adjust seat and align the middle of the torso with pivot point. Place elbows on movement pads while gripping handles slightly.
Push chest towards hips and slowly contract abs in a crunch motion. Return to start. Repeat 8 sets.
At Home
Fit ball Crunch
Lie on the fit ball to support back. Tuck chin in slightly.
Contract abdominals and slowly curl rib cage towards hips. Return to start position. Repeat 20 sets.
The gluteal or butt muscles must be trained in order to improve speed and increase stamina when jogging or walking. A well toned butt not only looks good but it also provides good support for the hips and can help improve posture. It is best to perform isolated butt exercises rather then multiple exercise for a perky looking butt.
At the Gym
Step Board
A step board is a great tool which can be used at the gym to workout the buttocks. By stepping on and off the board you are not only burning calories but you are also improving the appearance and size of your rear end.
At Home
Squats are a form of power exercise hence adding some resistance (weights) is vital for achieving better results.
1. Stand straight with both arms at the side while holding weights.
2. Slowly bend your knees and hold for 8 seconds. Return to original position.
Thighs and Calves
Legs have always been a great asset for women. The build up of cellulite over the years is probably due to the years of constant neglect for our legs. Fret not as there is still hope for those who want to flaunt their legs in those tight minis. Say goodbyes to those thunder thighs and pigeon legs with this simple solution.
At the Gym
Glutes Machine
1. Adjust torso pad to fit between chest and abdominals. Place right foot on foot-
plate and slightly flex knees.
2. Extend hip and knees. Slowly return footplate to starting position. Rotate
footplate and repeat with left leg.
At Home
Seated Calf Raise
Seat on a chair with legs on the ground and weights on thighs (alternatively use ankle weights)
Raise feet to the balls of feet. Hold for 8 seconds and drop back on heels. Repeat 10 sets.
Cardiovascular Workout
At the Gym
RPM is an indoor cycling programme and is great form of cardiovascular training. Most gym studios that offer this programme are equipped with many stationary bicycles.
RPM® enables one to burn up to 700 calories in a single session and is an excellent workout for those who want to shed off extra weight. This workout is also tailored to increase lower body strength and improve overall endurance.
At Home
To increase the intensity of your cardiovascular work out at home, the frequency of the exercise programme (e.g. jogging) must be increased. Try to also add on knee or ankle weights during while brisk walking and also add sprinting to your jogging routine.
Squats are a form of power exercise hence adding some resistance (weights) is vital for achieving better results.
1. Stand straight with both arms at the side while holding weights.
2. Slowly bend your knees and hold for 8 seconds. Return to original position.
Thighs and Calves
Legs have always been a great asset for women. The build up of cellulite over the years is probably due to the years of constant neglect for our legs. Fret not as there is still hope for those who want to flaunt their legs in those tight minis. Say goodbyes to those thunder thighs and pigeon legs with this simple solution.
At the Gym
Glutes Machine
1. Adjust torso pad to fit between chest and abdominals. Place right foot on foot-
plate and slightly flex knees.
2. Extend hip and knees. Slowly return footplate to starting position. Rotate
footplate and repeat with left leg.
At Home
Seated Calf Raise
Seat on a chair with legs on the ground and weights on thighs (alternatively use ankle weights)
Raise feet to the balls of feet. Hold for 8 seconds and drop back on heels. Repeat 10 sets.
Cardiovascular Workout
At the Gym
RPM is an indoor cycling programme and is great form of cardiovascular training. Most gym studios that offer this programme are equipped with many stationary bicycles.
RPM® enables one to burn up to 700 calories in a single session and is an excellent workout for those who want to shed off extra weight. This workout is also tailored to increase lower body strength and improve overall endurance.
At Home
To increase the intensity of your cardiovascular work out at home, the frequency of the exercise programme (e.g. jogging) must be increased. Try to also add on knee or ankle weights during while brisk walking and also add sprinting to your jogging routine.
pic from rosescafe.net
-about a girl-
Telima Kasih ar..sikalang gua boleh excersie nanti itu amoi semua tengok gua wor..fuyoooo
Unle Chan..Badminton this friday? up for it or not? u say wanna exercise mah
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badminton susah sikit wor alex...bed-minton boleh la, tapi bukan sama lu la..hehe
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