Bring in the leaking clowns

Time and time again the remarks and gestures made in the Malaysian Parliament continue to bring shame upon Malaysians.
The truth is, our so called Parliamentary debates are often conducted in the most bizarre, distasteful and shameful manner.
The recent ‘bocor’ incident isn’t something new. Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, the Barisan Nasional MP uttered “Mana ada bocor? Batu Gajah pun bocor tiap-tiap bulan juga Tranlasted to-(Where is the leak? The Batu Gajah (woman) MP(Fong Poh Kuan) leaks every month too).
This remark has now caused a stir among Malaysians from all walks of life. And yet, we hear ministers like Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz saying there was nothing wrong with the statement made as all parliamentarians can speak what they wish as they have the immunity to do so.
Let’s put aside Nazri Aziz’s lack of intellect and the MPs distasteful remark for now.
What baffles me most is whether is this the kind of remark that ought to be made in the four walls of Parliament which is regarded as the most supreme house of the land?
Such a remark made from the people elected MPs were certainly uncalled for. What started out as an issue being raised by a few opposition MPs regarding ceiling leaks at Parliament’s media room was blown out of proportion.
It was an issue pertaining to the safety of the media and also the safety of all invitees to Parliament house. Yet some MPs ridiculed the issue all together by saying how minute the issue was.
The Deputy Speaker of the House Datuk Lim Si Cheng regarded the issue raised by the opposition MP Chong Chieng Jen as an issue which had no relevance under rule 26 (IP) of the house rules and other ruling party MPs claimed that the leaks posed no immediate threats.
Yet, just a few days before this incident the Prime Minister commented on the leaks at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Prior to that, it was the leaks at government offices in Putrajaya and the shoddy construction works at the new Court Complex in Jalan Duta.
Thus, if these related incidents were considered crucial issues and one which required immediate attention, shouldn't the leakages discovered in Parliament be considered serious as well?
It should be noted that in April 2005, rain water gushed into the Dewan Rakyat on our cabinet ministers who were in the house debating. The said incident was due to leaks from the roof of the Dewan Rakyat.
The truth is, our so called Parliamentary debates are often conducted in the most bizarre, distasteful and shameful manner.
The recent ‘bocor’ incident isn’t something new. Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, the Barisan Nasional MP uttered “Mana ada bocor? Batu Gajah pun bocor tiap-tiap bulan juga Tranlasted to-(Where is the leak? The Batu Gajah (woman) MP(Fong Poh Kuan) leaks every month too).
This remark has now caused a stir among Malaysians from all walks of life. And yet, we hear ministers like Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz saying there was nothing wrong with the statement made as all parliamentarians can speak what they wish as they have the immunity to do so.
Let’s put aside Nazri Aziz’s lack of intellect and the MPs distasteful remark for now.
What baffles me most is whether is this the kind of remark that ought to be made in the four walls of Parliament which is regarded as the most supreme house of the land?
Such a remark made from the people elected MPs were certainly uncalled for. What started out as an issue being raised by a few opposition MPs regarding ceiling leaks at Parliament’s media room was blown out of proportion.
It was an issue pertaining to the safety of the media and also the safety of all invitees to Parliament house. Yet some MPs ridiculed the issue all together by saying how minute the issue was.
The Deputy Speaker of the House Datuk Lim Si Cheng regarded the issue raised by the opposition MP Chong Chieng Jen as an issue which had no relevance under rule 26 (IP) of the house rules and other ruling party MPs claimed that the leaks posed no immediate threats.
Yet, just a few days before this incident the Prime Minister commented on the leaks at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Prior to that, it was the leaks at government offices in Putrajaya and the shoddy construction works at the new Court Complex in Jalan Duta.
Thus, if these related incidents were considered crucial issues and one which required immediate attention, shouldn't the leakages discovered in Parliament be considered serious as well?
It should be noted that in April 2005, rain water gushed into the Dewan Rakyat on our cabinet ministers who were in the house debating. The said incident was due to leaks from the roof of the Dewan Rakyat.
It’s such an irony that so much time is wasted on trivial party bashing debates (which the idea of relevance is questionable), yet the same lot of people don’t seem to be bothered on the possibilities of a piece of ceiling falling on their heads.
Maybe our Malaysian MPs can learn a thing or two by looking at the practices of our former colonial masters. It’s indeed sad that even after 50 years of independence, the mindset of certain parties have yet to develop progressively. Until that time comes, I guess we shall be anticipating more ‘clever’ remarks coming from the members of our Malaysian Parliament.
For a contrast of a Malaysian style parliamentary debate and a British style debate click here and here .
Maybe our Malaysian MPs can learn a thing or two by looking at the practices of our former colonial masters. It’s indeed sad that even after 50 years of independence, the mindset of certain parties have yet to develop progressively. Until that time comes, I guess we shall be anticipating more ‘clever’ remarks coming from the members of our Malaysian Parliament.
For a contrast of a Malaysian style parliamentary debate and a British style debate click here and here .
For The Man Who Sold The World’s take on Bung Mokhtar ridiculing DAP’s Karpal Singh in parliament not so long ago, click here
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aiyoo..ini malaysia manyak famous, bikin pandai, jaga tak tau.
We Malaysians can certainly count on our MPs to promote VMY 2007.. all for the wrong reasons!The clown has appologised no doubt, however the damage done is a severe one indeed.
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