crèche art

"IT looks like the work of a six year old!"
Haven't we all heard this line before? When the local sports officials introduced the new Malaysian tiger-stripped uniform, many were taken aback with the unimpressive design.
Miles apart, Britions are going through the same thing after English officials unveiled the new 2012 London Summer Olympics logo.
Advocates shower praisers over the new logo, saying the jagged emblem bearing the numbers 2, 0, 1 and 2 will connect well with the younger generation.
However, many wonder how much of tax payers money was spent to come up with such a 'child-like' design?
And a poll conducted by BBC says it all with 83% of the respondants voting against the design.
The logo is as dry as British humour- even the Englishmen aren't laughing about it.
-The Man Who Sold The World-
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