and the award goes to....

DATO’ Dr Khoo Kay Kim. A familiar name among some, not so among others. Nevertheless, he is what a Malaysian is all about- and he portrays it well, both socially and in the pretext of his own family.
Dr Khoo is a Chinese man, who married an Indian lady (Datin Rathi) and believes the education system in Malaysia is a total ‘crap’ (but I guess he would have put it in a better way).
Being a former English and Chinese educated man, Dr Khoo, who attended the English medium school in the morning followed by the Chinese medium school in the evening knows best of the methods and culture cultivated within both the schools. Born in the small town of Kampar, Perak (28 Mac 1937), Dr Khoo obtained his BA in History from the Malaya University (then located in Singapore) in 1967 and after a string of honourable socio and historical contributions, Dr Khoo was awarded the title DPMP darjah Paduka Mahkota Perak (Dato’) in April 1987.
He has three children- Eddin Khoo, Rubin Khoo and Mavin Khoo- all three whom he has brought up in a colourful way. Defying the typical Chinese and Indian culture of education (getting straight A’s is a must), the Khoo’s have strived on learning skills that interests them; mind body and soul.
Eddin is a poet, writer and translator while Rubin is a journalist. Mavin, meanwhile, is a reputable Bharatanatyam (Indian classical dancing) dancer. All involved in the works of arts which most of us can only dream of, but no guts to venture into.
“In this country, those who succeed aren’t the straight A students. It’s those who are creative,” so he says.
Also, he cynically questions local dailies for carrying stories of students getting straight As as their headlines.
“People think doctors are rich. They are not. They get their money from shares or other businesses,” he once said over a live telecasted programme.
Dr Khoo has been very vocal on the current education state in the country, and his thoughts are often refereed with regards to the state of our sports which are currently in the doldrums. He is also said to be the co-author of the Rukun Negara, thus he is amongst the very few people who live by it.
During a sporting conference once held at the Mara Technology University in Shah Alam, Dr Khoo emphasised the need of a more robust all rounder. His sentiments were echoed by Olympic Council of Malaysia’s vice president Datuk M.Jegathesan and general secretary Datuk Sieh Kok Chi.
“Education is important but there must be a well diverse society which believes in the vital ness of academic as well as sports,” the officials from OCM said.
But Dr Khoo stole the thunder with a blow below the belt- ‘he reason our sports are not getting anywhere is because of the system; kids who are smart can help build up sports by playing smart and not like how it is currently being played- blindly’.
Dr Khoo is certainly what a Malaysian ought to be- an all rounded man who moulds an all rounded family while striving to create an all rounded society. He may not know this but Dr Khoo certainly deserves the ‘Ceamiest Cacker’ award!
-The Man Who Sold The World-
Hail Prof Khoo!
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