AT times I wonder if I am a harpist.
Not that I play the harp brilliantly, but I feel the articles are being repeated month in month out.
However this goes to show that such issues just go round and round like a wheel with no brakes attached.
Remember the earlier postings of
cream-less cracker (
April 2006) and
cracker up the biz, cream up the sex (May 2006)? Well this posting has the combination of both.
The ‘new’ Weekend Mail have buried itself six feet under with a humiliating cheap stunt of headlining its ‘Lets Talk About Sex’ story in the Nov 5-6 issue.
Almost 80% of the paper was purely on sex -literally- and even caught the attention of deputy prime minister Datuk Najib Abdul Razak, citing it as ‘memalukan’.
“Ada cerita, yang dulu tak tahu pun sekarang dah tahu,” Najib was quoted on air during TV3’s Bulletin Utama during his address to the Federal Territories UMNO convention over the kinky stories published.
It is no secret the Malay Mail have been doing rather badly in its sales ever since the new take over. However, the Weekend Mail, ‘headed’ by a Mat Salleh; Simon Burgess, is said to make more sales compared to the Sunday Mail. But are they so dumb to realise the Weekend Mail is sold over two days??!?
Nevertheless, the new yuppie editor M Zul has got a lot of explaning to do. And he ought to be worried of what to expect next. While The Malay Mail is no stranger to such sanctions (as the paper once operated for a week despite not having its licence renewed during Ahiruddin Attan’s tenure as editor), this is certainly a blow below the belt and the paper ought to take the lashing for such lame stories.
It is indeed surprising the Campus column, which mainly portrays mostly busty young girls from local higher learning institutions, be allowed. The questions posed are very ‘notti’ in nature. None of them are model material and one begins to wonder if those upstairs have a fetish over busty young lasses. Hmm…
Also, the news reporters who were party to the stories are presumed to be stoned as their by lines were coupled with degrading words, simply portraying them as glorified whores.
A mistake done by one party but the effect leaves many with a sour taste. Those in the sports and entertainment desks are not too happy, unlike the news desk folks who were laughing and joking while watching the news, despite the fact the paper was condemned by the country’s number two man on national television.
Deep down, the matter could just wear off and the editors could go back to their magazine like antics. On the other side of the stick, the Mat Salleh could be suspended while the Weekend Mail could be put off the stands for a month or so.
Will the
Paper That Cares be finally
Taken Care Of? We shall find out in days to come.
‘kinky’ Man Who Sold The
‘fetish’ World