what a bloody future

FROM high profiled murders to parang wielding robbers. This is Malaysia.
A country where robberies and murders was something foreign now seems to be the way of life. What about the frauds and white collared crimes which have not been published? The list is longer than it seems.
And when the police capture the ‘culprits’, most often then not, are accused without proper evidence thus seeing them walking out of the courtrooms as free men. Whether the decision is fair and just is left to be seen but sadly why does a country, which boasts to have mega infrastructure and multi million dollar investments, cannot conduct a proper crime scene investigation.
The police have been in the limelight for the wrong reasons and can they be blamed? There are always two sides to the story but none of this will happen if the public are well fed- monetary.
This brings back to the discussion of offenders, mostly jobless, venting their frustration towards a flawing system thus profiting from an easier route. It is a known fact the rich are becoming richer while the poor are becoming poorer. High cost of living, even in small town like Muar, with prices expected to increase even more next year (Petrol is currently priced at RM1.92 but is rumoured to increase at RM2.01 come Jan). However, returns are still the same if not less and pays are hardly increased.
They say the government is bullish about its financial status and that the country is doing well in the stocks. Yet how come many people are struggling to find ends meet. It’s either Malaysians are spending unnecessarily or the cost of living in this country is becoming ridiculously high.
One wonders what the government plans to do with the current state of living. If nothing is being done, expect more crimes by a bunch of disgruntled people. Can you blame them for trying hard to feed their families? You decide.
-The Man Who Sold The World-
i wonder myself whats the future of this nation.seriously.so many people are unaware of what's happening around them. how many people actually put their thinking caps on and look at things at a different perspective like how you did.
it's frightening if you ask me.it really is especially when only so few realise whats installed for the country in the coming days.
so we continue to see things at differnt angles while others just couldn;t be bothered about anything except for themselves.thats' malaysia boleh i suppose.
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