of wedding bells and fairy tales

THE cabinet will annouce the marriage of Jeanne Danker (pic), or now referred to as Jeanna Abullah to Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in a private ceremony at the Seri Perdana this Saturday.
Little is known of Miss Jeanne but unconfirmed sources state the she's 54 and has two children from a previous marriage. She's been in the hotel industry as well.
The Abdullah's have more to celebrate as Khairy Jamaluddin's (Badawi's son in law) UPB-MyTeam will be promoted to the Super League next season, together with Police. It has been a fairy tale of all sorts for the debutants (MyTeam) and Badawi.
-The Man Who Sold The World-
Received this sms today which read " Everyone is waiting for Pak Lah to announce the date for the next election, but Pak Lah's telling us the date of his next erection!".lol
Have you realised that our PM does not fancy women who are melayu tulen or melayu in any fact?
His late wife Endon was half Malay and half Japanese while Jeanne Abdullah nee Danker was a staunge Roman Catholic from a Portuguse-Eurasian family..
Hm..Pak Lah don't seem to have a "thang" for the pure Melayu's huh. Interesting la..dun you think so?I can already imagine how all this is going to be use by Nik Aziz's PAS as an issue in the upcoming elections.
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