ayo yo samy...

Everything just seems to be increasing. And how the government intends to reward us in ushering 2007….by a hike in toll rates!
Transport Minister Samy Vellu will announce the new prices, which is said to have a 10%-60% increase, today.
However, the interesting bit about this price hike is the how the government had manipulated its way around the issue. Call it politics if you may, it has certainly given the ruling government a bad image.
Here’s the thing. Word on the street was that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak held a meeting with editors of the media in a bid to ‘not make it a big deal’. Apparently, prior to the meeting, the deputy transport minister confirmed the price hike to foreign press as they government felt giving out information in stages and at a moderate stage will cushion the impact upon the citizens.
However, the net is filled with rage and outburst as internet savvy Malaysians are making their voices heard as they cry foul over the latest hike. There is also rumour circulating about another petrol hike despite the prices of global oil have decreased over the year.
Some claim it is right for the government to increase the price as the government cannot be seen subsidising for the citizens and run at a loss. However, the counter argument to this point is that the tax payers are paying for other unnecessary expenses which only result them to pay more to get on with their lives.
While some may not feel the effect, the middle and lower income group will certainly suffer. It is a known fact in this country where the chain reaction is strong as prices of goods will naturally go up no thanks to pricier transportation along the highways.
And the effect of such a hike- people will start using trunk roads which is at more risk to cause mishaps, prices of goods are sky high while monthly income is still the same causing people to commit crime- either broad light robbery or white collared crimes.
Car pool, or start investing in a motorcycle. Otherwise, try a bicycle instead; at least it’ll lower your heart problems in a country where everything just goes up and up!
-The Man Who Sold The World-
hey mate really like the way u write...keep up the good work.
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